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Medhat Rashid A-Z

A- Alexndria: born and raised in Alexandria, Egypt

B- Bachelors: bachelors in marketing

C- Certificate: certificate in advertising copywriting nyc

D- Dunga: if we're friends, call me dunga

E- Early mornings: I'm a morning person

F- Football: favorite sport

G- Greenmedia: my first agency

H- Humanity: all people are equal

I- Insight: the most important thing in advertising

J- Jogging: keeps me fit, and releases stress

K- Knowledge: is power

L- Losing: is learning

M- Music: the music, the lyrics, it's inspiring

N- New York: favorite place in the world

O- One: one thing at a time, don't multitask, give everything its time

P- Perspective: the more you see, the better

Q- Question: everything & anything

R- Reflect: or you will get lost

S- Shorts & slippers: favorite outfit

T- Travelling: I love discovering other cultures & see how similar we are

U- Unique: I believe that every single human has something unique

V- Virgo: 17th september is my birthday

W- Work: is so much fun

X- (X): the missing part that leaves you wondering

Y- Yes: to opportunities

Z- Zzz: sleeping is as important as working

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